Early development of the Mental Health Lived Experience Peak Queensland Brand
(Invitation to Offer)
The Mental Health Lived Experience Peak Queensland is a new organisation established with funding from the Queensland Government that provides a collective voice for Queenslanders with a lived experience of mental ill-health and/or suicidality. We provide advice and systems advocacy for and with consumers of all ages of the Queensland mental health system with a specific mandate to ensure Queenslanders experiencing marginalisation and/or disadvantage are heard.
The establishment of the MHLEPQ was led by a steering committee under the auspice of the Queensland Mental Health Commission. The committee consisted of representatives of non-government organisations, Queensland Health and people with lived experience. The steering committee proposed the current name and branding as a place holder to establish an interim website until the members of the organisation could decide an appropriate name.
The MHELPQ was established as an independent organisation in July 2021 and was funded through an auspice arrangement with the Queensland Mental Health Commission until 1 January 2023. The MHLEPQ is now funded under a contract with the Queensland Community Services Funding Branch.
The MHLEPQ currently has a membership of 100, a staff of 4 and a board of 5 members led by 2 co-chairs.
MHLEPQ Values and Strategic Plan
The Project
We are seeking a partner for a co-creation of a new name, brand and communications guide for the MHLEPQ. This project is offered at a fixed price of $40,000 (GST Excl). Brand proposal applicants will be e assessed against the MHLEPQ procurement policy. The principles of the MHLEPQ procurement policy (Appendix A).
While the price is fixed the MHLEPQ is open to negotiate the scope of the project with the right partner. The MHLEPQ is seeking the following outcomes from the project:
- Find consensus around a trading name for the peak
- Develop a logo
- Develop a brand/style guide
- Make suggestions for most appropriate modes of communication
In doing so the partner will consult and seek consensus by involving the MHLEPQ members, staff and Board. Proposals will have a clear methodology for doing this. Proposals building good engagement with MHLEPQ membership will be preferred. Proposals will also have a “success statement” providing a clear statement of what the Proposer would consider a successful outcome and how the final outcome will be measured against this success statement.
In accordance with the MHLEPQ procurement policy partners will be preferred according to the following criteria:
- Being Queensland based
- Being a Social Enterprise
- Having a clear social charter including environmental objectives
- Having a stated commitment to reconciliation with Australia’s First Nations people
- Having an applied policy on diversity
- Having an applied policy on employment of people with lived experience of mental ill-health
The time frame for the project is negotiable but 4 months or less would be preferred. It is proposed that the MHLEPQ engagement staff assist the partner in facilitating a member consultation. The outcome of this consultation is submitted for Board discussion and approval.
Our Submission to the Queensland Parliament Mental Health Select Committee is an example provides an example of our advocacy work.
Submitting a proposal
A written project proposal is to be submitted by xxxx. Each proposer may book a 30 minutes–minute interview with the MHLEPQ CEO to clarify any issues or questions around the proposal. All proposals should include a referee and examples of work similar in nature.