Expression of Interest MHLEPQ
Lived Experience Advisory Group
(Developing an Equity Framework for Queensland)
The MHLEPQ is seeking 4-6 Queenslanders with a declared lived experience of the Queensland mental health system to form a Lived Experience Advisory Group (LEAG) to participate in interviews with researchers at The University of Queensland Institute for Social Science Research and to advice the MHLEPQ in relation to the Health and Wellbeing Queensland project to establish an Equity Framework for Queensland.
The University of Queensland has been engaged by the Health and Wellbeing Queensland to undertake research with the aim of understanding the system that perpetuates inequity and how it might be improved.
The focus of this group will be to inform the researchers how inequity impact on people’s mental health and how having mental health conditions exacerbate inequity.
Members of this LEAG be interviewed by researchers in the form of either individual discussions, a focus group or a combination of both. The group will provide advice to the MHLEPQ and Health and Wellbeing Queensland on possible ways to improve equity for consumers experiencing mental health conditions or crisis in Queensland.
The Mental Health Lived Experience Peak Queensland (MHLEPQ) is a charity established with funding from the Department of Health, Queensland for the purpose of being the peak organisation for Queenslanders who have a lived experience as a consumer of mental health services in Queensland.
The object of the organisation is to provide policy and system advocacy informed by consumers with lived experience of the Queensland mental health system, especially those who are marginalised or disadvantaged.
Furthermore, the MHLEPQ was formed to grow capacity and capability for and with people who wish to represent the views and experiences of mental health system consumers.
The MHLEPQ are committed to do this in a manner that is culturally, psychologically and organisationally safe.
MHLEPQ Values:
MHLEPQ Participation:
The MHLEPQ is committed to paid participation for consumers of the Queensland Mental Health system. The LEAG role will be remunerated according to the MHLEPQ Paid Participation Policy.
The MHLEPQ is committed to provide a culturally, psychologically, and organisationally safe environment for all interactions within the organisation. The MHLEPQ Mental Health and Wellbeing policy applies to all MHLEPQ office holders, employees, contractors, consultants, representatives, and volunteers. MHLEPQ Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy can be found here.
How expressions of interest will be treated:
- Declared lived experience (that it is significant and relevant)
- Area of lived experience
- First nation communities
- Cultural and linguistic background
- Age
- Gender and gender identity
- Sexual orientation
- Social background
Equity of access:
- Environmental modifications where possible to ensure accessibility and safety
- Opportunities to step up and step back where required for self-care
- Individual or group debrief options with a peer or a chosen provider
- Options of remote or in-person attendance
- Nomination of support person to accompany if needed (support person needs to follow the Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy, declare any conflict of interest, and sign a Confidentiality Agreement)