Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drugs – Digital Specialty Group

Lived Experience Advocacy Request

Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drugs – Digital Specialty Group

The Request:

Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drugs –Digital Health Specialty Group

The Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drugs Branch is currently seeking applications from consumers and carers across Queensland to join the Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drugs – Digital Specialty Group.

The branch invites consumers and carers with:
• a lived experience of Queensland Health’s mental health services, and / or
• a lived experience of Queensland Health’s alcohol and other drug services.

The Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drugs Branch (MHAODB) sits under Clinical Excellence Queensland, Department of Health. MHAODB provides oversight and secretariat duties for the Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drugs – Digital Specialty Group (MHAOD-DSG).

The MHAOD-DSG is the peak body providing clinical and digital expertise, direction and definitive advice on digital transformation for Queensland’s state funded MHAOD services.

There is a broad digital health ecosystem across Queensland Health for mental health and alcohol and other drug services. The MHAOD-DSG was established in 2020 to focus on enhancing digital healthcare capability within the sector. The scope of the MHAOD-DSG has recently been extended to incorporate oversight of the digital transformation work program following the public release of the Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drugs Healthcare Digital Information Strategy 2022-2027 which is a deliverable under Better Care Together: A plan for Queensland’s state-funded mental health, alcohol and other drug services to 2027.

Principal Functions
Using the collective specialist knowledge of the membership, the principal functions that MHAOD-DSG provides are:
 – alignment with digital health agendas across Queensland Health, Hospital and Health Services and the broader MHAOD services sector,
 – oversight and prioritisation of the MHAOD Digital Transformation program inclusive of projects to be delivered through the Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drugs Healthcare Digital Information Strategy 2022-2027, and
 – a governance pathway for reporting through to Better Care Together oversight and assurances committees and respective eHealth Queensland governance committees.

The MHAOD-DSG is Chaired by a senior member of the Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drugs Branch and a clinical leader from a Hospital and Health Service.
Members include representatives from metropolitan, regional and rural/remote Hospital and Health Services, the Department of Health, Lived Experience Workforce Leadership and people with a lived experience of accessing Queensland Health mental health and alcohol and other drug services.

Terms of Reference
The MHAOD-DSG Terms of Reference can be provided by request. For successful applicants, a copy of the Terms of Reference will be provided as part of orientation and induction to the MHAOD-DSG.
Role of the consumer

On acceptance of appointment to the MHAOD-DSG, members agree to the following:

  • Members are required to review the agenda, minutes and associated documentation prior to each meeting, and follow through on allocated action items in a timely manner.
  • Members will engage in meeting proceedings, and will actively participate in discussion of agenda items and the provision of advice.
  • Members will attend at least 50% of scheduled meetings in the calendar year.

Who is it for?

The MHAOD-DSG requires representatives to meet one or more of the following:

  • A consumer with a lived experience of Queensland Health’s mental health services
  • A consumer with a lived experience of Queensland Health’s alcohol and other drug services
  • Carers who are caring for someone with a lived experienced of accessing Queensland Health’s mental health services
  • Carers who are caring for someone with a lived experienced of accessing Queensland Health’s alcohol and other drug service

This opportunity would suit those who:

  • Live anywhere in Queensland
  •  Have the capacity to participate in online meetings (using the Microsoft Teams platform)
  • Have a passion for digital healthcare
  • Have the ability to express their own viewpoint and reflect on the views of others so that a range of perspectives are considered
  • Have the ability to commit sufficient time to participate fully in the work of the group (e.g., reading papers, providing feedback, and attending meetings)

Time and location
Meetings of the MHAOD-DSG will be held by videoconference (Microsoft Teams meeting) every six weeks. Ad-hoc meetings may be called if required.

Meetings are currently scheduled for this financial year as listed below; meetings for future years will be scheduled in due course.

  • Monday 25 September 2023, 1:30pm to 3:00pm
  • Monday 6 November 2023, 1:30pm to 3:00pm
  • Monday 18 December 2023, 1:30pm to 3:00pm
  • Monday 29 January 2024, 1:30pm to 3:00pm
  • Monday 11 March 2024, 1:30pm to 3:00pm
  • Monday 22 April 2024, 1:30pm to 3:00pm
  • Monday 3 June 2024, 1:30pm to 3:00pm

Meeting frequency and / or scheduled dates may be varied at the discretion of the Co-chairs.

Remuneration and Support
Consumers will be remunerated for their time.

Consumers will be provided with support to attend and access the online meetings and provide feedback including:
• Orientation and induction to the MHAOD-DSG
• Administration and technical support to access online meetings (e.g. training and support on connecting to the meetings via Microsoft Teams) if needed
• Prebrief and debrief meetings to allow for additional support if needed
• Additional support as identified by the consumer through negotiation with the MHAOD-DSG secretariat

How to apply
Please complete this consumer application form and return to: [email protected]. H

Expressions of Interest close ASAP
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Would you like to get involved?

Do you have a direct experience of mental illness?
Do you identify as having a direct personal experience of suicidal ideation or surviving a suicide attempt?
Would you like to receive updates and news from the MHLEPQ?
Would you like a callback form the MHLEPQ?
Please note MHLEPQ is not a crisis support service. If you need crisis support please contact Lifeline.

Or if you want to send us something please deliver to:

Shop 4, 67 Astor Terrace, Spring Hill 4000 -OR- PO Box 89, Spring Hill 4004
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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