Requests for Lived Experience Participation

On this page you will find requests for lived experience participation made to the MHLEPQ. You do not have to be a member of the MHLEPQ to provide an expression of interest as long as you are a Queensland Resident, identify as having lived experience of mental ill-health and suicidality and are over the age of 18. If you want to be notified about these requests as they come in, or if you want to be further involved in the MHLEPQ you can join here.

ProjectsOrganisationClosing Date
Response to recommendations in Mental Health Act 2016 Report
3-4 consumers are required to review recommendations form a report and suggest relevant responses by the Chief Psychiatrist
Office of the Chief Psychiatrist01/09/2023
Queensland Health Digital Strategy – Mental Health Portal
8-12 consumers are required to work with Queensland health to provide general advice as well as providing advice on specific questions around applying the Queensland Health Digital Strategy to mental health
MHAOD – eHealth Queensland20/09/2023

Request Review Recommendations

Review of the Mental
Health Act 2016 Report

Office of the Chief Psychiatrist

1 September 2023

The Chief Psychiatrist commissioned a collaborative clinical review of the use of seclusion, mechanical restraint, and physical restraint under the Mental Health Act 2016 (the Act) in late 2022. The Office of the Chief Psychiatrist (OCP) has requested that the Mental Health Lived Experience Peak Queensland (MHLEPQ) provide systemic advice by responding to the recommendations in their report, Mental Health Act 2016 Report: Review into the use of Seclusion, Mechanical Restraint and Physical Restraint under the Queensland Mental Health Act 2016.

Lived experience of seclusion, mechanical and/or physical restraint within Queensland mental health services.

Types of Lived Experience:

The project requires a small group of people with lived experience of seclusion, mechanical and/or physical restraint within Queensland mental health services to meet to discuss the 18 recommendations that are within the report, from a systemic viewpoint. Queensland Health project and acting in an advisory role only. MHLEPQ members and staff will have no authority for decision-making.

Involve - Individual/s selected to participate. eg. representative on a committee, workshop, or focus group.

A one-off 2.5-hour online workshop (with an expectation of 1.5 hours preparation time) will be held to gather your perspectives about the OCPs report recommendations.


Online Via Teams

4 Hours

To provide an expression of interest please click here

Here's some more ways
to get involved.

  • Sign up as a MHLEPQ Lived Experience Member stay in the loop and join our lived experience community. 
  • Become a Friend of the Peak and stay in the loop with MHLEPQ projects and opportunities.
  • Apply to become a Peer Representative on a MHLEQP Lived Experience Advisory Group.
  • Find other participation opportunities happening in the sector. 
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Would you like to get involved?

Do you have a direct experience of mental illness?
Do you identify as having a direct personal experience of suicidal ideation or surviving a suicide attempt?
Would you like to receive updates and news from the MHLEPQ?
Would you like a callback form the MHLEPQ?
Please note MHLEPQ is not a crisis support service. If you need crisis support please contact Lifeline.

Or if you want to send us something please deliver to:

Shop 4, 67 Astor Terrace, Spring Hill 4000 -OR- PO Box 89, Spring Hill 4004
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